Source code for app.applets.core.controller

"""Core controller."""

import msgspec
from litestar import Controller, Request, get, post
from litestar.contrib.htmx.response import HTMXTemplate
from litestar.exceptions import ValidationException
from litestar.response import Template
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
from import BashLexer
from structlog import get_logger

from app.applets.core.helpers import get_versions_from_db
from app.applets.core.schemas import ScriptData, Version

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class CoreController(Controller): """Houses all routes for core endpoints.""" path = "/" @get("/", include_in_schema=False) async def index(self) -> Template: """Render the index page. Returns: Template: Index page. """ python_versions = await get_versions_from_db() return Template(template_name="index.html", context={"python_versions": python_versions}) @get("/api/versions") async def list_versions(self) -> list[Version]: """List all versions available in the database. Returns: list[Version]: List of all players. """ return await get_versions_from_db() @post("/api/generate-script") async def generate_script(self, request: Request, script_data: ScriptData | None = None) -> HTMXTemplate: """Generate a script based on the provided data and apply Pygments highlighting. TODO: use multipart body instead of raw dogging the request and parsing... Args: request (Request): The incoming request. script_data (ScriptData, optional): Placeholder to render ScriptData model in OpenAPI docs Returns: HTMXTemplate: The highlighted script. """ form_data = await request.form() data_dict = { key: ( value == "on" if isinstance(ScriptData.__annotations__[key], type) and issubclass(ScriptData.__annotations__[key], bool) else value or "" ) for key, value in form_data.items() if key in ScriptData.__annotations__ } if not data_dict.get("selectedVersion"): msg = "Python version must be selected" raise ValidationException(msg) try: script_data = msgspec.convert(data_dict, type=ScriptData) except msgspec.ValidationError as e: raise ValidationException(str(e)) from e script_content ="partials/script.html").render( script_data=script_data ) highlighted_script_with_lines = highlight( script_content, BashLexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="source") ) highlighted_script_for_copy = highlight( script_content, BashLexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=False, cssclass="source-no-lines") ) pygments_css = HtmlFormatter(style="friendly").get_style_defs(".source") return HTMXTemplate( template_name="partials/highlighted_script.html", context={ "highlighted_script": highlighted_script_with_lines, "highlighted_script_for_copy": highlighted_script_for_copy, "pygments_css": pygments_css, "script_data": script_data, }, )